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Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Service

Who we are   

The Consultation Liaison Psychiatry Service (CLPS) is a specialised team who provide consultation and support within the general hospital setting (including obstetrics). The service supports patients who have a primary medical condition and mental health concerns that are associated with or exacerbated by the medical condition.    

What we do   

We provide mental health assessments and advice to the relevant treating team on appropriate management for patients with mental health concerns. Our aim is to improve the recognition, education and understanding of mental illness across the wider health service. 

CLPS also aims to improve linkages and continuity of care between the general hospital, primary care and mental health services. 

Who can access this service? 

Patients aged 18 years of age and older who are inpatients admitted to other hospital wards.  

How to access this service  

Adult patients who are already admitted to a general hospital inpatient unit are referred by their treating team (medical specialty areas), for psychiatric evaluation and management. This includes general hospital patients, pregnant women, and new mothers with complex mental health needs. 

Our services operate Monday to Sunday, 8am to 4pm, at both Gold Coast University Hospital and Robina Hospital.   

Emergency Mental Health support is available at both sites outside of these hours via the on-call psychiatric registrars. 

Last updated 16 Oct 2024