Who we are
We are a community-based specialist service that provides clinical in-reach and service transition support for young people aged 12 to 25 years of age who access or are likely to benefit from headspace services.
Our multidisciplinary clinical team includes a consultant psychiatrist, clinical nurse consultant, senior social worker and senior psychologist.
What we do
We provide consultation liaison and clinical in-reach to assist with access to care at the most suitable level and to strengthen the service pathways between headspace and Gold Coast Health services for young people and their families when moving between mental health services and settings.
Who can access this service
Young people aged 12 to 25 years of age identified by Gold Coast mental health service:
- likely to benefit from low to moderate intensity mental health supports through headspace
- or young people currently accessing headspace, with additional needs that may require support to remain with headspace.
The service is specifically designed to support young people who are experiencing challenges when transitioning between low to moderate mental health supports provided at headspace and the tertiary mental health supports provided through Gold Coast Health.
How to access this service
Enquiries from clinicians who are supporting young people currently receiving service from headspace or a Gold Coast mental health service are accepted.
As this is a collaborative partnership with headspace, young people receiving support from headspace In-Reach must be engaged with (or in the process of referral to) headspace to receive support from the In-Reach team.
The headspace website provides further details on how to access headspace services.
Our location
Gold Coast headspace In-Reach clinicians are based at headspace Southport and headspace Upper Coomera.
We provide consultation liaison and transition support to all Gold Coast mental health services and are available to attend Gold Coast mental health service locations upon request.