The Child and Family Health Service follows on from postnatal maternity care and provides a range of community health and support services for children and their parents/carers to give every child the best possible start in life.
By providing parenting support, health promotion, early intervention and prevention services we aim to ensure that children are nurtured, safe and able to realise their full potential.
Services are free of charge and may be offered in the home, or in community child health clinics or in local early years community centres.
Care is offered by an experienced team of child and family health nurses and early intervention clinicians (either social workers or psychologists).
Services include:
Antenatal home visits are available by referral from Gold Coast Health Midwifery Services where more complex health concerns exist.
Postnatal or initial contact with the service is offered in the home, in clinic or via telehealth. Once linked in with the service, you will be assessed based on your level of need.
Breast feeding drop-in offers practical assistance for mums experiencing breastfeeding concerns.
No appointment is needed, however, registering ahead of time by calling 5687 9183 will reduce administration time on the day.
If additional one-on-one assistance is required, appointments for breastfeeding support are also available by referral by your child and family health nurse.
Drop-in clinics are available at seven Gold Coast Health locations should you wish to check your baby’s progress between routine clinic visits.
These open clinics focus on supporting your infant’s early feeding, sleeping, and settling issues and other parenting concerns. Child and family health nurses can offer guidance and reassurance as you adjust to your new role as parents/carers.
No appointment is needed, however, registering ahead of time by calling 5687 9183 will reduce administration time on the day.
Development checks are conducted at key ages depending upon your level of need.
The checks involve routine tracking your child’s growth and assessing developmental progress including gross motor and fine motor skills, speech and language as well as social and emotional development. Health advice and guidance is provided to help you better understand your child’s development needs with a focus on health promotion and building your confidence as a parent/carer.
Referrals can be made to other services if there are concerns about developmental delay.
To book a Well Baby/Child Clinic assessment, please call 5687 9183
Practical assistance for those parents experiencing more complex parenting concerns (eg, feeding, sleep/settling, maternal distress) where a longer period of one-to-one time with a Child Health Nurse is required. Referrals to Ellen Barron Residential support may be made if further support is needed. This service is by referral only. Speak to your local child health nurse or GP for more information.
The Early Intervention Parenting Service (EIPS) specialises in providing individual and group programs for parents of children under 8 years of age who wish to improve, and seek support with:
- parent-child relationship/attachment,
- caregiving challenges,
- ability to understand and respond to challenging child behaviours,
- adjustment to parenthood,
- postnatal depression,
- coping with anxiety and stress,
- parenting confidence,
- birth trauma, and
- infant mental health.
We offer services through a multi-modal approach, they include:
An opportunity to meet other parents and carers while strengthening parenting skills and wellbeing.
Individual 1:1 sessions
We provide short to medium term therapeutic support to families, within our inclusion criteria through 1:1 appointments in-person or available via telehealth.
Please see your child health nurse for referral to the EIPS program.
An informal way to get to know other parents and to discuss health issues common to all. These groups often result in further socialising opportunities and lasting friendships for many. A wide range of topics are discussed including sleep and settling; transitioning to parenting, infant social-emotional development; introducing solid food; safety; speech and language; play, development milestones and oral health. Ask your child health nurse for more information.
The Early Childhood Service offers a range of parenting programs.
- Circle of Security Parenting (COS-P)
Circle of Security is a relationship-based early intervention program aimed at parents of children 4 months to 6 years of age. This eight-week program focuses on a child’s emotional and behavioural needs, building a positive relationship with your child, helping children manage their feelings and enhancing self-esteem.
Places are limited so please contact (07) 5687 9183 to register your attendance. You will be contacted closer to the group starting to confirm your place and suitability for the program.
Children may attend with parents if under 12 months of age.
- Triple P - Positive Parenting Program
Triple P aims to support family relationships and develop strategies to manage the everyday challenges of parenting. It is an Australian based program and is offered to parents of children 2 – 8 years of age.
You will learn about:
- What is positive parenting.
- Creating an environment to support your child’s development.
- Strategies to manage child behaviours.
- Helping your child/ren develop new skills.
- Support your child’s emotional regulation.
It is a four-week in-person program that includes follow up telephone check ins.
Bookings essential (07) 5687 9183 as places are limited.
The Triple P program is also accessible online so families can work through the modules at their own pace.
Our Advanced Health Worker links closely with the Gold Coast Waijungbah Jarjums Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Maternity and Child Health Programme to ensure families are appropriately supported by providing culturally safe, high quality care.
Free, family-friendly community immunisations clinics are available across the coast, with no appointments required. Immunisations can also be accessed through your GP.
Breastfeeding | ||
Australian Breastfeeding Association | Relevant information regarding breastfeeding and beyond. | |
Sleep and Settling | ||
Safe Sleep Space | Gentle and effective sleep solutions. | |
Rocky a bub | Phone application. | |
Ellen Barron Family Centre | Positive parenting techniques and responsive feeding and settling strategies for home. | |
The period of Purple Crying | Understand your baby’s cry. | |
Tweddle Child Health and Family Service | A suite of sleep and settling fact sheets have been developed to provide information and support to parents, caregivers and service providers. These will support consistent and evidence-informed approaches to sleep and settling information sessions. | |
Introduction of Solids | ||
Babies first foods | All the information you need to know about baby's first foods. | |
Recipes | Tips and strategies to help manage fussy eating behaviours. | |
Nip allergies in the bub | To help prevent food allergy, give your baby the common allergy causing foods before they turn one. | |
The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) | ASCIA provides accessible, consistent and evidence-based information for patients, carers and community on more than 160 topics. | |
How to make every bite count | A guide to nutritious family meals for babies and toddlers. | |
Immunisation | ||
Free Community Immunisation Clinics | Free family-friendly community immunisation clinics run by Gold Coast Public Health. | |
Development | ||
Act for kids |
Gymbaroo - Active Babies, Smart Kids | Information regarding the development of babies and ideas that help mum and dad get babies off to a great start. | |
First 5 Forever | Explore ways to make learning fun. | |
Raising Children's Network | Evidence-based information on child development 0-18 years. | |
Gr8 Start | Aims to provide children with the best possible start by facilitating organisational partnerships with a focus on promotion, prevention, early identification and intervention. |
Parenting Programs | ||
Triple P Online | 17 effective strategies – the world’s first proven-to-work online parenting program. | |
Circle of Security Parenting program | Fosters the importance of human connection and how the Circle of Security helps caregivers orient to young children’s attachment needs. | |
Mental Health | ||
Mums Space | Support for the emotional health of new mums at every step | |
Beyond Blue | Covering everything from bonding with your baby to spotting the signs of anxiety and depression. | |
Panda | Dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of expecting, new and growing families. | |
Acute Crisis Team | Provide assessment and referral services for people who experience serious mental health problems. Phone: 1300 642 255 | |
Safety | ||
Kids Safe | Up-to-date information all about keeping children safe in their home, car and community. | |
Red Nose (SIDS) | Learn how to keep your baby safe day and night, and why safe sleeping practices save little lives. | |
Domestic Violence | ||
DV Connect | Information, services and support for people impacted by domestic and family violence. Phone: 1800 737 732 | |
Domestic Violence Prevention Centre (DVPC) | A wide range of programs to support women and their children affected by domestic and family violence. Phone: (07) 5532 9000 | |
Financial Hardship | ||
Services Australia | Delivering government payments and services. | |
Community recovery and support services | Provides support to vulnerable members of our community. Phone: 1800 173 349 | |
Drugs and Alcohol | ||
Insight | Alcohol and drug training and workforce development services. | |
Groups on the Gold Coast | ||
Women’s Health QLD | Facebook Group for Mums. | |
MUSH | Phone application to meet local mothers nearby. | |
Gold Coast Libraries | Baby rhyme time, read & grow story time, toddler time,share talk and read. | |
Active Gold Coast | Programs for Mums and bubs. | |
Play Matters Australia | Deliver programs and services that support children and families to connect and play. | |
Early Years Centre - Benevolent Society | Playgroups and family support. | |
What were we thinking | About common experiences in the early months of parenthood and effective ways of managing them. | |
Frequently Asked Questions | ||
Covid-19 - Children, young people and parents | Information about helping you and your family throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. |