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Alcohol and Other Drugs Service (AODS)

Who we are   

Gold Coast Health’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Service (AODS) is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of individuals more severely affected by alcohol and drugs use.  

What we do   

AODS provides a range of interventions that help to support the decision to reduce or cease substance use and increase awareness of related issues within the Gold Coast community through prevention and harm minimisation.  

Our multidisciplinary team provides evidence-based healthcare, including intake, triage, brief intervention, comprehensive assessments, and Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Dependence (MATOD). We offer substance detoxification interventions, counselling, care management, and specialised therapeutic group programs. Our services also include outreach clinics, early intervention, and support for youth.  

Who can access this service?   

AODS services are available to residents of the Gold Coast area, including interstate and international visitors who seek help at our community-based clinics or are referred through our partnerships with local hospitals. 

Referrals and appointments


Adis provides 24-hour, 7 day a week support for anyone concerned about their own or somebody else’s alcohol and other drugs use. It’s free, anonymous and confidential. Call Adis 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support on 1800 177 833. You can also visit their website for more information or to chat with a counsellor online

Adis offers telephone and online counselling and can help you find a local treatment service that meets your needs, which may include Gold Coast Health’s AODs service. 

Our services

Hospital consultation and liaison team

For people presenting to Gold Coast University Hospital and Robina Hospital for medical reasons, the AODS Hospital Consultation and Liaison team provides screening, assessment, intervention and specialist advice on drug and alcohol issues. 

Drug and Alcohol Brief Intervention Team (DABIT)

Our DABIT team are a specialised alcohol and drug team based in the emergency departments that provide holistic and timely brief interventions to assist patients at risk or experiencing problematic substance related harm. 

Counselling and support

Counselling is a key part of alcohol and drug rehabilitation. We use a range of evidence-based counselling techniques and therapeutic approaches to help with drug and alcohol issues, tailored to suit personal circumstances. 

Community programs

We deliver a range of programs that help increase understanding of alcohol and drug-related difficulties and provide information on the treatment and service options available.

Medical Assisted Treatment for Opioid Dependence (MATOD)

MATOD is a medical treatment that involves replacing an illegal opioid, such as heroin or illegal use of prescription opioids, with a longer acting but less euphoric opioid.  Methadone or Buprenorphine are typically used and will be given under supervision.  

Community-based alcohol withdrawal

Gold Coast Health’s AODS community clinics offer a community-based alcohol withdrawal program for consumers who are identified as low risk. This is an outpatient service that assists consumers who are struggling with their alcohol use to safely withdraw from alcohol while remaining in the community.

An assessment is completed with an AODS clinician in person prior to being able to complete a community-based alcohol withdrawal (this is to ensure that we can safely support you to withdraw from alcohol as an outpatient).  

The SCOT Shared Care program

The SCOT (Shared Care Opioid Treatment) program is the transition of care from a specialist AODS service to the Primary Care Provider – your GP. Individuals identified as no longer requiring intensive care management can be transitioned to the Shared Care Model (PDF).

Shared Care is a model which provides recovery focused care enabling individuals to receive treatment from their primary health care provider and hopes to reduce some of the perceptions of stigma associated around opioid dependency and treatment. Shared Care improves individual autonomy through normalization and recovery orientated approach to Medical Assisted Treatment for Opioid Dependence (MATOD).

Group activities

We deliver the following range of group programs that support an individual’s decision to reduce or cease substance use.

Back in control program

A six-session group education program for people who currently or have previously experienced a substance use issue. A statement of completion can be provided.

SCRAPBook program (uses printed materials only)

A six-session self-paced education program for Gold Coast residents who, currently, or have previously experienced a drug or alcohol issue. These self-conducted sessions are suited to low-risk consumers who are unable to attend other group sessions due to work or other relevant concerns. A statement of completion can be provided.

Alcohol, Drug, Acceptance and Prevention Therapy (ADAPT) Program

The ADAPT Program is designed for people experiencing both mental health and drug or alcohol issues. The program is facilitated by trained professionals and participants will attend two-hour weekly sessions for eleven weeks. Participants can self-refer and will require an assessment prior to group attendance.

The DARE program

The DARE (Drug, Alcohol, Recovery, Education) program is an ongoing, two-hour group session that promotes health and wellbeing in a supportive environment. DARE is action or maintenance-based and enables recovery through solution-focused education and peer support.   

Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce

Our peer workers provide consumers and carers with education, information, referrals, and support from a lived experience perspective.  

By sharing their own lived experience, feelings of shame are reduced which promotes recovery and connection. Consumers and carers can self-refer or ask an AODS staff member to connect to a lived experience team member

Last updated 16 Oct 2024