Gold Coast Health is embedding research and evidence-based practice into our health service delivery.
Its Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) is taking Expression of Interest (EOI) for a female lay member, which is a voluntary position.
The Gold Coast Health HREC operates in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (Updated 2018) (National Statement), NHMRC and Universities Australia Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018) and the Integrated Addendum to ICH E6(R1): Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2).
The HREC [EC00160] meets 11 times per year for a few hours and can be attended via an online meeting platform.
It is a nationally certified committee.
The objectives of the HREC are to:
- Ensure human research submitted for review is designed with respect for the participants and is not compromised by the aims of the research, by the way it is carried out, or by the results;
- Advise Gold Coast Health and research applicants on ethical issues relating to human research;
- Evaluate and approve suitable human research proposals in line with NHMRC guidelines and Queensland Health policies; and
- Monitor and review approved human research proposals.
About the role:
The composition of the HREC is in accordance with the requirements for membership set out in section 5.1.30 of the National Statement.
The HREC is currently seeking members in the following category:
- Category B: Female Layperson who has no affiliation with the institution (Gold Coast Health) and is not currently engaged in medical, scientific, legal or academic work
The HREC acts in a consultative and advisory capacity with researchers to ensure that all research is conducted in an ethically and scientifically robust manner.
Each member of the HREC is responsible for deciding whether, in his or her judgement, a proposal submitted for review meets the requirements of the National Statement and is ethically acceptable. Initial and ongoing training will be provided for members. The layperson is a crucial member of the committee who is able to contribute their opinion as a member of the general public, a vital role in combination with clinicians, researchers, and other member categories.
When submitting an EOI, include:
- Name and contact details
- Current occupation
- Any affiliation/s with health, medical, legal, scientific, academic institutions
- Any previous ethics experience in human research or other domains
- Any additional information to support your application
- Copy of your resume/CV
Please email all applications to:
Subject heading: HREC EOI – female lay member
Closing Date:
5pm Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Enquiries to:
Carine Ruthenberg, Human Research Ethics Coordinator, GCHEthics@health.qld.gov.au or 07 5687 3879.