The Lavender Mother and Baby Unit has helped more than 300 mothers and babies since the unit first opened five years ago.
Service Development and Research Coordinator Jessica Dawber said the four-bed unit provided specialist mental health care to women experiencing severe mental health issues in their first year after childbirth.
“Postpartum mental health issues can have a significant impact on a mother’s confidence and the bond she has with her baby and impact on babies physical emotional and social development,” Jessica said.
“Mothers and their babies are admitted to the unit, for assessment and management of severe mental health problems that cannot be managed in the community.”
The unit supports mothers in their care of their baby and in developing a healthy relationship while managing their mental health. Support is also provided to the wider family network.
“This is the only public mother and baby unit in Queensland and supporting mothers experiencing perinatal mental illness is important work, so this milestone should definitely be celebrated,” Jessica said.
“We have an amazing team here of about 30 people, which includes Allied Health staff, as well as Mental Health nurses, a psychiatrist and registrars. They are all incredibly dedicated to the work they do.”
Mental Health Specialist Services Clinical Director Dr Sandeep Chand said the centre was one of the most unique services in the state.
“Having the mother and baby together here during treatment meets both of their needs, making a great difference to their lives,” Sandeep said.