Gold Coast Health is hosting a special event for families of children with epilepsy to mark National Epilepsy Awareness Month.
Dr Harry Singh, a Paediatric Neurologist and Associate Professor and Clinical Lead at Bond University Gold Coast, will lead the forum at Gold Coast University Hospital on Friday 24 March at 9.30am.
“There are many misconceptions about epilepsy which is not necessarily a lifelong disorder,” Dr Singh said.
“We are encouraging Gold Coast families impacted by epilepsy to come to the ‘learning about Epilepsy’ forum to get the facts, ask questions and share their own experiences in a friendly environment.”
Dr Singh, the Gold Coast’s only paediatric neurologist, says National Epilepsy Awareness Month includes Purple Day on 26 March, a global initiative dedicated to raising epilepsy awareness.
“The World Health Organisation lists epilepsy as the world's most common serious brain disorder,” he said.
“On a local level, we know this condition affects hundreds of children and their families in our region.
“People with epilepsy can face social stigma and exclusion, so it’s vital we raise public and professional awareness to help reduce this in our community.”
To register for the ‘Learn about Epilepsy’ event, phone (07) 5687 3566 or email kelly-anne.ince@health.qld.gov.au. Registrations close Monday 20 March.
Approximately 25,000 people in Australia are diagnosed with epilepsy each year.