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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors to this website should be aware that content material may contain images, voices and names of those who have passed.

Waijungbah Jarjums

Waijungbah Jarjums means place of mother and child and is a one-stop community service that provides continuity of care for you and your family throughout pregnancy, birth and as your little one grows. Our service offers continuity of care by a known Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander midwife and child health nurse from conception to 5 years.

At Waijungbah Jarjum, we offer: 

  • antenatal and postnatal education
  • Indigenous-led hypnobirthing course
  • breastfeeding support
  • blood tests and vaccinations
  • healthy hearing screening
  • child health assessments
  • cultural connection and yarning circles
  • Welcome Jarjum to Community events
  • home visits or care in a location that suit you
  • support with transport and parking options.

You will receive: 

  • your own midwife who will provide antenatal care, will be on call for your labour and birth and provide postnatal care up to six weeks
  • a child health nurse who will provide care from six weeks until your jarjum is two
  • a health worker who will support the delivery of culturally safe care and navigation through the healthcare system.

Our staff:

All Waijungbah Jarjums permanent staff identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and are passionate about providing culturally safe care tailored to your individual and family needs. The team brings their lived experience as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people to their practice and will help you explore your ancestral cultural birthing and parenting knowledge along your journey.

Our staff can also connect you to other Gold Coast support services to help you as your jarjum grows.

Who can access the service?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and women whose baby will identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

Where are my appointments?

Appointments can be at home, our one-stop community space, in hospital or at a convenient location for you depending on your recommended care.

Do I need a Doctor's referral?

No, just send us an email, give us a call or pop into our community spaces.

Are there fees?

The service is free for Medicare-eligible families.

Get in touch

Our Centre hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 4.30 pm

Community Hub:

 132 Smith Street Southport, QLD 4215

 56 87 9851

Djan yimaba, ngali yawang, ngali yadhung, ngalui ngura! (Thank you, stay safe, stay strong, stay home! in Ngunnawal) If you have any questions, please reach out to your midwife.

Visit our Healthier You page to access information on a range of different health topics and connect to free and low cost programs and services that can help you maintain health and well being.

Waijungbah Jarjums service

Keeping you and bubba, happy and healthy

Waijungbah Jarjums means place of mother and child and is a one-stop community service that provides continuity of care for you and your family throughout pregnancy, birth and as your little one grows. Our service offers continuity of care by a known Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander midwife and child health nurse from conception to the first 1000 days (2 years).

At Waijungbah Jarjums, we offer:

  • antenatal and postnatal education
  • Indigenous-led hypnobirthing course
  • breastfeeding support
  • blood tests and vaccinations
  • healthy hearing screening
  • child health assessments
  • cultural connection and yarning circles
  • Welcome Jarjum to Community events
  • home visits or care in a location that suit you
  • support with transport and parking options.

You will receive:

  • your own midwife who will provide antenatal care, will be on call for your labour and birth and provide postnatal care up to six weeks
  • a child health nurse who will provide care from six weeks until your jarjum is two
  • a health worker who will support the delivery of culturally safe care and navigation through the healthcare system.

Our staff

All Waijungbah Jarjums permanent staff identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and are passionate about providing culturally safe care tailored to your individual and family needs. The team brings their lived experience as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people to their practice and will help you explore your ancestral cultural birthing and parenting knowledge along your journey.

Our staff can also connect you to other Gold Coast support services to help you as your jarjum grows.

Who can access the service?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and women whose baby will identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

Where are my appointments?

Appointments can be at home, our one-stop community space, in hospital or at a convenient location for you depending on your recommended care.

Do I need a Doctor’s referral?

No, just send us an email, give us a call or pop into our community spaces.

Are there fees?

The service is free for Medicare-eligible families.

Program Success

Having a baby

Waijungbah Jarjum connects you to your culture, leading to healthier outcomes for Indigenous mothers and their babies

Our service has achieved:

  • improved low birth weights
  • increased numbers of mothers choosing to breastfeed
  • reduction in premature births and higher attendances for antenatal appointments.
Child health support

Child health support

Support for you and bub

A child health nurse will provide care from six weeks until your jarjum is two. We can also offer health worker support to help you navigate the healthcare system and ensure the delivery of culturally safe care. Our nurses can support you in breastfeeding, parenting, health, growth and development, sleep and settling, home visits, scheduled health checks. We offer open consultations to discuss parenting experiences and your child's health and development—intensive home visiting is available for selected families.

Deadly Dads, Deadly kids

Deadly Dads

Deadly Dads is for fathers of babies born through Waijungbah Jarjums

Our Deadly Dads program runs a range of healing activities, events and workshops with a focus on reconnecting to culture and exploring the role of fathers in growing their children strong.

The meetings encourage dads to be their deadly best and gather together in yarning circles. The group encourages each other to be great leaders in their families, providing valuable love, nurturing, learning and role modelling.

Cultural activities

Cultural activities

Welcome Jarjum to Country Ceremony

For thousands of years, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have held Welcome Baby to Country ceremonies to acknowledge a baby’s connection to the lands they are born.

The Welcome Baby to Country ceremony acknowledges an infant’s connection to the traditional lands on which they are born and a celebration of their births. During the ceremony, Yugambeh Elders offer smoking cleanse and blessings and mark newborns with ochre, signifying the land, and welcomed them to the Country.

The newborns will go into life knowing who they are and the Country they belong to, and they can take pride in their culture, traditions, and identity.

Yarning Circles

Yarning circles

A yarning, story or dialogue circle is an important part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture

It has been used by Indigenous peoples from around the world for centuries to learn from a collective group, build respectful relationships, and preserve and pass on cultural knowledge. At Waijungbah Jarjums, we have both men's and women's yarning circles and meet regularly to connect to culture

Artwork story


The artwork for Waijungbah Jarjums was created by Britney and Stefanie Noffke

The main focus of this artwork is the powerful way a baby brings people together.

All generations; kids, teenagers, adults, grandparents and kinship network. It represents the beauty in the community honouring the arrival of the baby into the physical world. This is depicted in the centre of the painting around the birthing tree. The symbols in the sky are our elders looking down on us, protecting us, and guiding us.

The eagle is Mibbin and is the protector and totem for the Yugambeh Speaking People.

The tree is a Boab tree is the tree of life as it holds lots of water. Its big-belly represents the pregnancy. It is also a medicine tree that’s seeds are a good source of Vitamin C and Calcium. The bark is used to treat fevers. It symbolises the growth of a baby and symbolises the kinship, the DNA, the lineage, the womb, and the love felt by all.

The Lily represents that not every family has an easy journey and that some journeys may start off like the Lily in muddy or murky water, but through the journey, a beautiful creation is made. The flowers represent the stages of the nine-month pregnancy with the increase of size for gestation.

Other symbols in the painting represent family, the three trimesters (circles to each side), elders and children learning Dreamtime stories. The two rivers represent both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture coming together.