eNews - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Newsletter
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FIRST NATIONS HEALTH EQUITY Is everyone’s business!
- A word from the Senior Director Kristy Hayes
- Name our eNews: Enter Our eNews Naming Competition
- Sistas Shawls: Free breast screening program for First Nations women
- Celebrating Professor Cindy Shannon AM FAICD: Recognising her appointment as our esteemed Board Chair.
- Close the Gap Day Event: More than 1,500 people attended the event
- Hospital Liaison Officers: Your cultural link to healthcare services
- Deadly Start Traineeships: Giving young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school students a head start into healthcare roles
- Gold Coast Hospital Health Service First Nations Health Equity Strategy: Exploring our commitment to ensuring health equity for all.
- Yanbalehla garulbu nga wulalehla “walking together in kindness” Artwork Video: glimpse of something truly special
- Get in touch: Contact details of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service
- Working together to achieve Healthy Equity: a collaborative approach to improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across our region